Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"The 50th Law" by 50 Cent and Robert Greene

"Organizing from the Inside Out" by Julie Morgenstern

"Voice Power: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command Attention" by Renee Grant-Williams

"Saving CeeCee Honeycutt" by Beth Hoffman

"Room" by Emma Donoghue

"Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich" by Eric Metaxas

"Firefly Lane" by Kristin Hannah

"Half Broke Horses" by Jeannette Walls

"Roman Mysteries" (series) by Caroline Lawrence

"Left to Tell: Discovering God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust" by Immaculee Ilibagiza & Steve Erwin